Sulis Environmental Ltd has been dedicated to supporting our clients through difficult planning applications for the past ten years with schemes ranging from householder extensions to 25MW Renewable Energy Schemes

Seeking solutions in an increasingly changing world, Sulis Environmental Ltd have sought to maximise opportunities for developers and entrepreneurs, as well as to provide planning assistance for community initiatives, land and home owners. Successful delivery has resulted from a sound market knowledge base and an up to date understanding of Local Planning Authorities, appreciating site sensitivities as well as developer objectives.

                                                                               Renewable Energy Schemes

Projects have varied from small householder planning applications, to holiday lets and large scale Renewable Energy projects. To date Sulis Environmental Ltd have secured planning permission for 70MW of Renewable Energy, across the UK. See examples of our work with renewable energy

                                                                          Residential and Commercial Portfolio

Sulis Environmental Ltd has a trusted and experienced network of stakeholders and partners to ensure that you get the best delivery package possible. Our approach to project work incorporates the skills and experience of ancillary consultants from business planning through to design and planning achievement. Visit the "who we are" page for more information on the people that we work with.

Telecommunications & Outdoor Advertising

4, 48 & 96 sheet schemes, appeals process, GPDO and EU development. The extensive breadth of our experience enables us to provide the most effective and efficient solution, potentially offering options that you would not have thought of alone. We are also involved in developmental stage work within the technology and renewables arena. See further project examples here. If you don't see anything that fits your needs this is just a snap shot so use our contact form for further support.